Artificial Intelligence: Top 10 Super Abilities That Will Destroy Us


we didn't even notice how robots surrounded us artificial intelligence hires us to work decides whether to grant us credits it also reads our thoughts reads our emotions sees hears smells deceives us and kills us introducing the top 10 capabilities of artificial intelligence which will help us to take over the world. 
(Artificial Intelligence)

Neural networks have learned how to fake anything in 2018 the developers of Nvidia introduced a deep fake that creates faces of non-existent people and put the code of the style gan neural network in the public domain. generative competitive networks quickly learn the new tricks and can be taught by almost anyone. and this is a new reality a world in which hundreds of thousands of people can create fake photos videos and news for information wars. also, deep fakes are a new unleveled field for swindlers. fake startups and fake apartments on rental sites are just the beginning.

artificial intelligence has learned to see. analysis of images from the video cameras radars and lidars allow a neural network to see and orientate itself better than a person. developers of autonomous cars already claim that full control of the neural network over the management guarantees safety on the road. very soon we will be banned from driving cars. 

in the meantime the European union has offered to equip all cars from the middle of 2022. with intelligent driver monitoring system eyesight technologies. which is able to determine fatigue smoking and telephone conversations. which are considered frequent causes of accidents. also neural networks have learned to hear us and here we are talking not only about voice assistants with whom you can already communicate almost like a person. 

artificial intelligence is able for example to detect shots analyze the sound and then notify the appropriate agencies. if we combine the ability to see and hear we get the ideal tracking technology based on face and voice recognition. on the one hand it makes it impossible to cancel passes to protected areas improve the security of personal devices and homes and on the other hand to track all movements and conversations of a person. now add this to the capability of neural networks to read our emotions to understand how we react to ads or when we lie at interviews. by the way artificial intelligence is increasingly being used to hire people around the world algorithms test our skills assess truthfulness and communication abilities. 
(Artificial Intelligence)

thanks to artificial intelligence creating and training robots are now much easier. you can assemble a robot from anything and the neural network will teach it to move. thus deep mind conducted an experiment in which three virtual robots of different shapes had to learn to walk without any information about how to do it. the algorithm received only the tasks from getting from one point to another and sensors that help determine the position of the robot in space. after hundreds of hours of practice, all three figures learn to walk, run, jump and move on uneven surfaces. and Japanese researchers are teaching robots to fix themselves. thus the pr2 robot has learned to tighten its own screws. using this skill the robot can complement itself with the necessary accessories to help it perform its tasks more efficiently. 

artificial intelligence is already widely implemented in the financial sphere. `the best specialists in algorithms and machine-learning compete in exchange trading both individually and in teams. by the way, last week's bitcoin fell by 20 percent it means that if you had bet 100 on the bitcoin drop at any exchange you would have earned about 150 in the end. artificial intelligence learns to read minds the technologies of translation of thoughts into text will not surprise anyone. the neural network created by American scientists is capable of translating thoughts into the text at a speed of 66 words per minute but researchers from the neurotics and the neural robotics laboratory have learned how to use brain activity analysis to recreate images that a person sees. the neural network tried to classify and reconstruct the video based on electroencephalogram data only and 210 of the 234 attempts were successful. the algorithm classified each video and proved it with tags. such as waterfalls extreme sports or human faces the developers note that this may allow in the future to create a brain-computer interface working in real-time. The possibilities of artificial intelligence and medicine are almost limitless from data processing to assistance during the most complex operations and possible interference with human DNA, for example, the Swiss company Sophia genetics has created a collective artificial intelligence, Sophia. which can read generalize the genetic code DNA and predict as well as diagnose genetic diseases such as cancer. the next step for scientists may be an attempt to correct DNA. and they're not far from genetic modeling of future children which has long been talked about by futurologists. 
(Artificial Intelligence)

artificial intelligence is taught to kill. for example, u.s military is already developing cannon with artificial intelligence that will independently select and hit targets as well as tanks with artificial intelligence that can identify and hit targets three times faster than anyone else and STM a Turkish national defense company already manufactures a robot with artificial intelligence called cargo. bundled with facial recognition capabilities cargo can independently select and attack targets using coordinates pre-selected by the operator. it is reported that turkey intends to use cargo in Syria. 

if everything goes wrong and in the end, artificial intelligence destroys us accidentally on intentionally what can it do then? it's quite possible to entertain yourself for example to see dog faces everywhere as one of the first neural networks inceptionism from google or to write music copying the styles of different composers or it can turn children's drawings into realistic pictures as neural networks from Nvidia which not only turns a simple sketch into a landscape but even knows how to impose shadows and reflections.

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