Types of E-commerce Threats

                                                             Types of E-commerce Threats


Types of E-commerce Threats:

since E-commerce is based on information technology and computer network, it inevitable faces a series of security issues compared with traditional businesses. E-commerce security threats can be accidental (caused by a human error) or intentional. 

foreign or domestic, internal or external, group or individual, business rivals or disgruntled employee, terrorists, or hackers anyone with the capability, technology, opportunity, and intent to do harm can be a potential threat to E-commerce. Though every business would face the following specific threats.

1. Information leakage: The leakage of trade secrets in E-commerce mainly includes two aspects: (a) the content of the transaction between the vendor and customer is stolen by the third party; (b) the documents provided by the merchant to the customer or vice versa are illegally used by the other. This intercepting and stealing of online documents is called information leakage.

2. Tampering E-commerce has the problem of authenticity and integrity of business information. When hackers grasp the data transmitted on the network, it can be falsified in the middle through various technical means, and then sent to the destination, thereby destroying the authenticity and integrity of the data. 

3.Payment frauds: payments frauds have subsets like friendly fraud (When a customer demands false reclaim or refund), clean fraud (when a stolen credit card is used to make a purchase) Triangulation fraud (fake online shops offering cheapest price and collect credit card data), etc.

 4.Malicious code threats:  within an E-Commerce site, there are multiple vulnerable areas that can serve as an intrusion point for a hacker to gain payment and user information. Using malware, Cross-site scripting, or SQL injection, an attacker will extract the acquired data on black markets. Fraud is then committed to extract the greatest value possible through E-commerce transactions or ATM withdrawals, etc.

5. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) Attacks: It is a process of taking down an E-commerce site by sending a continuous overwhelming request to its server. This attack will be conducted from numerous unidentified computers using a botnet. This attack will slow down and make the server inoperative. DDoS attacks are also called as network flooding.

6. Cyber squatting: Cybersquatting is the illegal practice of registering an Internet domain name that might be wanted by another person in an intention to sell it later for a profit. it involves the registering of popular company do. Cyber squatters also involved in trading on the reputation and goodwill of such third parties by inducing a web page.

7. Typopiracy: Typopiracy is a variant of cybersquatting some fake websites try to take advantage of users' common typographical errors in typing a website address and direct users to a different website. such people try to fake advantage of some popular websites to generate accidental traffic for their websites. e.g.www.goggle.com, www.facebook.com

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